





  • 当欧宝体育app入口的学生或员工通过筹款活动伸出援手时,请接听电话.
  • 自愿奉献你的时间和才能来指导现在的学生. 
  • Share news of the great things that your alma mater is doing with friends, family, and neighbors.




罗伯特J. Crusciel 86




At 欧宝体育app入口 making a gift to the 年度卓越基金 is about making a difference in the lives of our 学生.

The 年度卓越基金 is about supporting an exceptional living and learning environment for current and future 学生. It is about providing resources throughout the campus for all programs and all 学生. 它是关于卓越的研究, 居住生活, 体育运动, 学习技术, 以及校园美化工程. 





  • 更多的给予方式


    感谢您对欧宝体育app入口的支持. Every donor and every gift makes a difference in 学生’ lives by improving the quality and value of a 欧宝体育app入口 education. 这里有一些你可以给予的其他方式.

    获取更完整的送礼信息, 或者如果你有问题, 联系进步办公室,电话:814-472-3021.



    洛雷托,PA 15940






    Recognition and Memorial Gifts including trees and benches offer an opportunity to honor someone special or remember a deceased 爱d one.  这些礼品可以在大学的任何区域设计. 



    Deferred or planned gifts allow you to contribute while providing you with tax benefits and a potential income source.  访问欧宝体育app入口的计划给出页面的答案,所有您的遗产规划问题.



    进行实物捐赠, 请填妥实物礼品表格,连同礼品一并交回本校.



    You may support 欧宝体育app入口 while receiving a charitable deduction and possibly avoiding capital gains taxes by donating through appreciated securities or stock. To ensure that your stock gift is promptly recorded and acknowledged with a receipt for your tax purposes, 请通知欧宝体育app入口的推进服务协调员, Pam Zemrose (814-472-3148), to let her know that you would like to transfer a stock gift to the University.  你也可以让帕姆知道,如果你想限制你的礼物为一个特定的目的.


    • 捐赠者的名字
    • 股票名称和股数
    • 转让日期
    • 对赠与的任何限制(如适用)

    Then instruct your broker to transfer the stock to 欧宝体育app入口 by contacting the University's broker:

    Stifel, Nicolaus & 公司,公司.
    814-941-6070 or 800-533-6401
    DTC: 0793(电子转账号码)


    Your home, land, and other real estate may be used to make an immediate or life income gift.  就像增值证券一样, 持有一年以上的房地产礼品可以提供显著的税收优惠.

  • 手机程序

    Each fall and spring semester the Raymond Hall calling room is transformed from a typical University office setting to a vibrant call center. Our energetic student callers telephone alumni and parents Sunday through Thursday evenings starting in mid-September through November during the fall semester, 春季学期从1月下旬到4月.

  • 配对礼品计划

    如果你受雇于一家婚配礼品公司, 你可以翻倍, triple or even quadruple your gift to the 欧宝体育app入口 年度卓越基金. 全国有一千多家公司参与了配对捐赠计划.



    Matching gift programs often vary by employer, both in eligibility and in the amount of the match. 一些公司会匹配员工、退休人员和/或配偶的捐款. 过程也各不相同,但通常包括以下简单步骤.

     步骤1了解你的公司是否赞助配对礼品计划. 只需输入雇主的姓名,网址为 http://www.matchinggifts.com/stfrancis/ 点击搜索.

     步骤2如果你的公司参与, 向雇主的人力资源办公室索取一份匹配礼物表格.




    洛雷托,PA 15940-0600


捐赠基金、奖学金、 & 奖

圣方济各依靠每年的捐款, endowed funds and planned gifts to provide 金融 assistance that will continue to generate income year after year to support educational opportunities and vital programs for future generations of 学生. 有计划的捐赠也是帮助大学增加捐赠的好方法.


  • 捐赠如何运作?

    捐赠基金是对欧宝体育app入口未来的一份礼物. This money is the principal in the University's investment portfolio that continues to generate income, 支持未来一代的学生. 大学只使用经过计算的部分利息, 确保校长将无限期地继续工作. The University's investment policies are structured to allow the University to satisfy donor goals and to generate sufficient interest over time to grow the principal, 跟上通货膨胀的步伐. 设立冠名捐赠,可以接受质押.

  • 什么是奖学金?


    Financial aid packages for Saint 弗朗西斯 学生 consist of 奖学金 granted by generous alumni and friends of the University. 让学生负担得起欧宝体育app入口是当务之急. 捐赠奖学金是解决经济援助困境的永久办法.


    Donors may create a named endowed scholarship fund in memory or honor of a friend or 爱d one or leave a legacy with their name that will become a permanent addition to the 欧宝体育app入口 endowment. Donors of endowed funds are provided with annual 金融 reports on their funds and a description of the activities, 学生, 他们受益的项目.



  • 什么是捐赠的椅子??

    Endowed chairs serve multiple needs at 欧宝体育app入口 including maintaining a faculty of distinction, 鼓励教师和学生之间的奖学金, 提供客座讲师, 给予学生经济资助, 总体上提高了学术水平和教学过程.

  • 比如首映式椅子,节目 & 奖学金

    Joseph and Marguerite DiSepio计算机科学讲座

    欧宝体育app入口校友于2001年创立, 58岁的约瑟夫和60岁的玛格丽特, the endowment is committed to raising the level of excellence within the computer science department. 捐赠基金为教师发展提供资金, 一个杰出的系列讲座, student internship programs and research and practices in the field of security and information assurance.

    的博士. 阿尔伯特一个. Zanzuccki工商管理教授

    2006年由圣弗朗西斯校友John S. 64岁的希拉·康纳斯和65岁的希拉·康纳斯. Albert Zanzuccki, professor emeritus and former chairman of the business administration department. The endowment is used to attract outstanding senior scholars and recognized business leaders to lecture and teach at the University, 纪念一位杰出的圣弗朗西斯教职员, fund faculty and student research programs and other purposes as advised by a chair committee.

    T.O.R. 方济各会研究和罗马天主教神学基金

    2013年由圣弗朗西斯校友Louis P. DiCerbo的59.   The endowment is used to attract national 弗朗西斯can and Roman Catholic scholars to the University, 发展教授驻校计划并提供工作坊.  每年大学都会表彰一位有慈善行为的男性和女性, 爱, 关心所有的创造物, 以及为有需要的人服务.  This endowment will encourage all of us to live the type of lives that exemplify the characteristics of St. 弗朗西斯,圣. 克莱尔和多萝西·戴.


    由国会议员(退休)巴德·舒斯特创立.),亦是圣方济各大学校董会成员.  该基金将为国会议员在美国的暑期实习提供奖学金.S. 为合格的欧宝体育app入口学生举办大会 优先考虑来自宾夕法尼亚的年轻女性,但不考虑种族, 宗教, 或种族. The program provides an excellent opportunity for 学生 to experience the inner workings of a congressional office and learn how Congress operates as an institution.

    鲁道夫 & Geraldine (Lingenfelter) Schonek卓越工商管理基金

    成立于1986年,并于1990年由已故的鲁道夫和杰拉尔丁M. 约翰斯敦的Schonek说. Mr. Schonek是一名商人. Schonek, 注册护士, 指定基金提供学生奖学金, faculty and curriculum development programs and other enhancements for the business administration and nursing departments.

    鲁道夫 & Geraldine (Lingenfelter) Schonek护理卓越基金

    成立于1986年,并于1990年扩大. 和夫人. 约翰斯顿的鲁道夫·舍内克. Mr. 舍内克是一名退休商人. Schonek, 前注册护士, 指定基金提供学生奖学金, faculty and curriculum development programs and other enhancements for the business administration and nursing departments.


    Established in 1997 by John 1964 and Sheila 1965 Connors and other classmates of William Ryan, 1966年毕业于欧宝体育app入口, 1969年在越南阵亡的朱迪斯·瑞安·阿扎拉1966年阵亡. 奖学金每年由奖学金委员会颁发给优秀学生, 其中一个是首选的教育专业.



Planned giving is the practice of making charitable gifts that are structured and integrate sound personal, 金融, and estate planning concepts with the donor's plans for lifetime and/or testamentary giving. Planned gifts are a way for individuals with various 金融 circumstances to make charitable gifts to Saint 弗朗西斯, while continuing to meet current income needs and taking advantage of incentives available under current tax laws.